Care for Tanzanite

Care for Tanzanite

Tanzanite, a rare and exquisite gemstone known for its captivating violet-blue hue, is truly a prized possession in the world of jewelry. Discovered only in Tanzania, this gemstone has captured the hearts of many with its unique color and brilliant luster. As an owner of Tanzanite jewelry, it is essential to understand the proper care and maintenance to ensure its beauty and value endure for generations. In this blog post, we will explore some essential tips to help you preserve and care for your Tanzanite jewelry.

Gentle Handling:

Tanzanite is a relatively delicate gemstone compared to others like diamonds or sapphires. It has a hardness of around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, which makes it susceptible to scratches and damage from rough handling. Always handle your Tanzanite jewelry with care, avoiding any impact or contact with hard surfaces. When not wearing your jewelry, store it in a separate soft pouch or a lined jewelry box to prevent accidental scratching or chipping.

Cleaning Tanzanite Jewelry:

Regular cleaning is crucial to maintain the brilliance of your Tanzanite jewelry. However, unlike diamonds, Tanzanite is more sensitive to chemicals and high heat, making some cleaning methods unsuitable. To clean your Tanzanite jewelry safely, follow these steps:

a. Use mild soapy water: Prepare a solution of warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Soak your Tanzanite jewelry for a few minutes and then use a soft brush (like a toothbrush) to gently remove any dirt or debris.

b. Avoid harsh chemicals: Refrain from using harsh cleaning agents, ammonia-based solutions, or ultrasonic cleaners. These can damage the stone or affect its color.

c. Pat dry with a soft cloth: After cleaning, use a soft, lint-free cloth to pat your jewelry dry. Avoid rubbing the stone vigorously, as it may cause scratches.

Minimize Exposure to Light and Heat:

Tanzanite's color can fade or change when exposed to intense light or high temperatures for extended periods. To preserve the gemstone's vibrant hue, avoid wearing Tanzanite jewelry while sunbathing, using tanning beds, or in saunas. Store your jewelry away from direct sunlight and avoid leaving it in hot environments like the car dashboard during sunny days.

Regular Inspections:

Periodically inspect your Tanzanite jewelry for any loose stones or prongs. If you notice any issues, take your jewelry to a reputable jeweler for professional assessment and repair. Promptly addressing any problems can prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your jewelry.

Avoid Chemical Contact:

Tanzanite is vulnerable to damage from exposure to household chemicals, cosmetics, and hairsprays. Always remove your jewelry before applying lotions or perfumes and avoid wearing it while doing household chores or using cleaning agents.

Professional Cleaning and Maintenance:

To maintain the allure of your Tanzanite jewelry, consider professional cleaning and maintenance at least once a year. Jewelers have the expertise and specialized tools to clean and restore your jewelry safely, ensuring its brilliance remains intact.

With proper care, Tanzanite jewelry can become a cherished heirloom, passing down its beauty and significance to future generations. Embrace these simple yet effective care tips to keep your Tanzanite jewelry looking as captivating as the day you acquired it. Appreciate the rarity and splendor of this remarkable gemstone by treating it with the respect and love it truly deserves.